Embedded video from CNN Video Soul Alternatives

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oops I Did It Again!

I have done it again, I know. I have neglected my blog. This time I will not make any excuses or make any promises to do better.

We are nearly halfway into 2011 and so much has taken place. Let's start with me and the reason why I have become so remiss in my writing. Well, as stated earlier I am in graduate school. I just completed my 3rd year and I made all As by the way.

Any who, graduate school is really taking up a lot of my time. I don't have much of a life anymore, but this is the price I must pay for success. So there, I am admitting that I just don't have the time to frequently write my blog. I apologize for this.

I have not had much time to even check out new music. Some how it feels as though I am loosing my passion for music. The mundane non lyrical style of everyone sounding like everyone else has me completely depressed. I am in a musical slump. Sure, I find some very good artists, but great artists are so hard to come by these days.

Ah, I need to digress . . .

I must mention this before I leave, we have lost some great artists in the past three years. First, Michael Jackson in 2009. We also loss Teena Marie and Guru in 2010. Now, we have lost Gil Scott-Heron, May 27, 2011.

My heart aches for the music and messages we will lose in the future. I hope it is true that the music lives on and some kind of substance eventually comes back to our ear drums.

This time I will not promise to write more . . . all I can say is that I will do my best. That's all we can do.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Yes, I know. I have slacked. . . big time. I am going to try to do better. Wow, where do I begin? 2010 is quickly approaching us. Personally 2009 has not been that tough of a year for me. Yes, I am feeling the affects of a bad economy, but I am still surviving. I paid off my car! Yay! I also am in Grad school, my second year. It's taking a lot out of me, but I know it will all pay off in the end.

Okay to the music. I have not seen many shows this year or the year before. I've been in a slump, and have let it dictate my life a little. I have some artists that I like so I will write more about them in a later post. I just wanted to come here and let you know that I am still alive! I plan to be more proactive with this blog; I promise.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Change Has Come

Wow, this day has actually come. Barack H. Obama is now the President of the United States of America. I wish my grandfather was here to see this. As a black woman, a deeper sense of pride has come over me. I am happy that my nephews can see this moment. They are experiencing the first Black President of the United States of America. I listened to Obama's speech, what I loved about it is that he made no promises. He made it known that it was going to be a long road, and that change will not happen within a year or even eight years, but it will come. He also placed the responsibility upon the people. I truly love this. I am proud. I am speechless. I am happy.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day

Well we all know that this election day is going to be an historic one. Then why do I feel some what afraid? Let me quantify...the polls so far say that Obama is in the lead. What happens if McCain wins. Will there be a big upset? What happens if Obama wins? Will there be a big upset? I just don't know. I do feel that Obama will and should win, but there could be something that goes wrong. I hope no fishy business goes on at the polls with the votes. I just want it to be honest and fair. Yet, I am still going to stay in my house until Wednesday. I just feel a little anxious.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Eric Roberson Part 3...and then some

So, this weekend my big brother (Mista) and I traveled to Atlanta to see none other than the hardest working man in independent music, Eric Roberson (Erro). This would be my third Erro concert, and Mista’s first.

Mista heard me playing one of Erro’s songs from his newest album Left. The song he heard was “Been In Love”. Mista liked it, now when Mista likes a song he plays it over and over, and over and over, you get the point. Well I say all of this to say this is the reason why I invited my big brother to go to the Erro concert with me. I told him he would love it and have a good time.

About a year ago when I was in DC, I convinced two of my friends Espy* and Holly to go to an Erro concert and they loved it. So I definitely knew what I was talking about.

So we get to Sugar Hill, where the concert is held. Not only do we get to see Erro, but we also so a young talented singer, whose name I can’t remember (Dae Harris?) and who’s cd I did not get and now I am kicking myself for it. Anyway, he opened up the show and it was awesome!!! After that Algebra Blesset rocked the stage. Mista really liked her, and purchased her cd (needless to say we heard the cd like 20 times on the way back home, lol).

Now it was what we were waiting for Erro…he came on the stage and it took me back to my DC days. I then realized that I have not seen an Erro concert in about a year, it was definitely time for my fix. What I love about Erro’s concerts is that he’s so down to earth and tangible. Not only is he a talented singer/songwriter, but he also knows how to entertain his audience. He is very, very funny. He sang songs from his albums, Vault Vol. 1 and 1.5, The Appetizer, his DC live album, and his newest one Left, all of which I have. Erro gave us Rock, House, Hip Hop, Soul and Church all in one night. I just love his concerts because afterwards I always leave feeling real good and happy. What I love most about an Erro concert is that afterwards he always takes the time to sign autographs and take pictures with his fans. Now this man is an independent artist and he had Sugar Hill completely filled. That’s amazing in itself.

So Mista and I were completely satisfied after the concert, did I mention that Mista brought the Erro Left album as well? Yeah, we heard that a couple of times on the way back home, particularly “Been in Love”.

I could not find a hotel room in Atlanta, because the NCAA was being held there, we got a hotel room in Athens, GA about 45 minutes away. After leaving the concert and Atlanta, Mista and I were traveling on 316 E heading back to Athens. All of the sudden the car in front of us just starts to loose complete control, and it almost crashed into those cement barriers on the side. At this moment I thought that person was going to die and take us too. However, the driver got control of their car. We were soon to find out why the driver in front of us loss control of their car. There were two deer walking in the middle of the highway! Okay, so now I am thinking were are going to die all over again because you know how deer can kill a person and destroy cars. So instead of swerving Mista ran straight into the deer we heard a thump, so we did hit one of them. We pulled over to see how much damage was done to the car (did I mention it was a rental?!). The damage was not too bad but there was a dent and some deer hide on the car, no blood though (thank God). Now let me explain why cousin went straight into the deer instead of swerving well that’s simple, because we were going 65-70 miles per hour and oh yeah we could have died. The other car in front of us by the grace of God did not crash, but who’s to say that would be the same for us? Needless to say that shook me up, I mean really shook me up. After we pulled over Mista had me drive the rest of the way, because he was tired. I was so paranoid that another deer would just jump out of no where. I kept thinking about the person in front of us, wondering if they were okay. Knowing they had to have been just as or more shook up than us.

It’s just amazing how something like that can happen to a person; it really does make you put things in perspective. You realize how easily your life can be taken, and how much you should appreciate it.

It goes without saying that this will be an Erro concert experience that I will never ever forget.

Oh yeah, get the Erro Left CD, it’s off the chain especially “I Luv U 2Much” and “Couldn’t Hear Her”.

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Savannah Music Scene

Okay, so it's been about 3 months since my last blog. Sorry about that. I am so bad, lol. Okay since being back in Savannah, GA I've accomplished a few great things. I am currently getting ready to buy a house, big, big deal!! I have been asked to be on a few planning committees for some festivals in the area. I will inform you about these as the dates get closer.

Now into the music. I must admit that Savannah has pleasantly surprised me with the music and artistic scene. It has grown so much since I first left and moved to DC. There are a couple of great things going on. This Saturday (3/10/07) Brittany Bosco (http://www.myspace.com/brittanybosco), is going to perform at the SCAD Venue located at the corner of MLK and River St. She's a local talent that has...well, talent. I am very proud of her and I truly love supporting her and her music. Also Dope Sandwich Productions (http://www.myspace.com/dopesandwichmusic) is another great surprise. They are a hip hop- band fused bunch of folks creating real, good, mind satisfying music. They currently have a cd out called The Walking Sick. I have the CD and have been listening to it on the regular, love it. Check out the sites and see what I am talking about.

Last night a few friends and I went to Venus De Milo(http://www.myspace.com/venusdemiloawinebar ), a real cool place to just chill and enjoy good music, presented by real DJs, that actually have djing skills. What, What!!! DJ Valis & DJ Life kept the mood right (they are also a part of Dope Sandwich Productions) the whole night.

March means that is National Womens (History) Month. Since I am a woman, I think it's wonderful. Women's Independence Network ( www.morningstararts.org) is going to have a festival the last weekend in March. They will have all kinds of workshops, film festivals and performances all to celebrate that beautiful creature that is WOMAN. So there are some pretty great things going on in the city.

Before I forget I must wish Stephanie Edwards good luck with American Idol. She's from Savannah, GA. I actually got a chance to hear her sing before Idol, and when I saw her I knew she would do something big. So much so I got a copy of her single "Feelin You" and have been playing it on my radio show, since like September of 2006. The only radio show that has it. So it makes me feel good to know that I have a good ear.

Well that's all for now. Everyone enjoy the links I have provided and always remember to SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!!!!!


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Long Time No Hear, Huh

Okay everyone, I know, I know. I have been away for too long. Now that I am back in Georgia, and at the radio station again I have been quite busy. The thing that I am trying to accomplish is to get WHCJ on the web and also get the station streaming so you all can hear my beautiful voice whenever you want :) Also this coming weekend I will be in a fashion show, so I am preparing for that.

I guess you want to know about what show's I've been to, huh? Well back in October I got the chance to go to Atlanta and see the Brand New Heavies perform live. It was an awesome show can't say more about it. Recently, December 2, 2006, I went to the Mansion here in Savannah and saw Nickel Bag of Funk (www.myspace.com/anickbag) perform. Leslie is the lead singer and she is truly talented. The band belts out a great sound. They cover a lot of tunes that will get you up out of your seat to dance or catch the holy ghost (trust me I know from experience.) Other than that, that's all I have to report. I will definitely keep you up to date with everything. Oh the fashion show has already taken place and it was wonderful. I will post the pictures when I get them. Until then continue to SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!!!!!!